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About the tool

  • Polygenic risk score (PRS) software for calculating, applying, evaluating, and plotting the results of PRS analyses
  • All approaches to PRS calculation involve parameter optimization and are therefore overfitted
  • The scores are normalized

Calculation of PRS

Assuming S is the summary statistic for the effective allele and G is the number of the effective alleles observed, then the main difference between the models is how the genotypes are coded,

For additive model (add)

$$ G =G $$

For dominant model (with respect to the effective allele of the base file)

$$ G=\begin{cases} \text{0} & \text{if $G=0$}\ \text{1} & \text{Otherwise} \end{cases} $$

For recessive model (with respect to the effective allele of the base file)

$$ G=\begin{cases} \text{1} & \text{if $G=2$}\ \text{0} & \text{Otherwise} \end{cases} $$

For heterozygous model

$$ G=\begin{cases} \text{1} & \text{if $G=1$}\ \text{0} & \text{Otherwise} \end{cases} $$

The average score (--score avg)is calculated as

$$ PRS_j = \sum_i{\frac{S_i - G_{ij}}{M_{ij}}} $$

To account for overfitting that occurs during parameter optimization, empirical P-value is calculated as

$$ Empirical-P = \frac{\sum_{n=1}^\N I(P_{null}-P_0)+1}{N+1} $$


  • I() = Indicator function
  • P0 = P-value of association of best P-value threshold
  • Pnull = P-value of association of the best P-value threshold under the null
  • N = 10000
  • Mj = The number of alleles included in the PRS of the j-th individual

Evaluation metrics

  • R2 - Observed phenotypic variance; remains unadjusted
  • Nagelkerke's R2 - Pseudo-R2 statistic for logistic regression; automatically calculated by PRSice
  • Cox and Snell R2 - Used for a quantitative trait
  • AUC - A measure of how well the genomic profile predicts a binary phenotype
  • Independent of the proportion of cases and controls in the sample cohort
  • Ranges from 0.5 to 1
  • Odds ratio - It shows the odds of the occurrence of a case in each group
  • Distribution is usually cut into deciles (unless otherwise defined) where each decile includes both cases and controls
  • The odds ratio for each decile is compared to a reference decile (PRSice selects the middle one)


  • Base dataset
  • Target dataset
  • Target dataset type
  • Phenotype file
  • Covariates file (Including age and sex as covariates)
  • Filters (if any)

Flags that can be used to toggle with the output

  • To filter SNPs based on base maximum allele frequency: --base-info <Info Name>:<Info Threshold> and --base-maf <MAF Name>:<MAF Threshold>
  • To filter SNPs based on founder samples (target dataset) maximum allele frequency: --maf
  • To use a BGEN type target dataset: --type bgen
  • In this case, the input target dataset is given by --target <bgen prefix>,<sample file>
  • A covariates file can be added using --cov
  • Non-numerical columns can be specified using --cov-factor
  • A phenotype file containing 0 or 1 for all individuals in the cohort has to be provided using --pheno
  • FID can be ignored using --ignore-fid
  • Clumping can be disabled using --no-clump


The tool generates multiple output files including:

  • [Name].summary - Contains the following fields:
  • Phenotype - Name of phenotype
  • Set - Name of gene set
  • Threshold - Best P-value threshold
  • PRS.R2 - Variance explained by the PRS. If prevalence is provided, this will be adjusted for ascertainment
  • Full.R2 - Variance explained by the full model (including the covariates). If prevalence is provided, this will be adjusted for ascertainment
  • Null.R2 - Variance explained by the covariates. If prevalence is provided, this will be adjusted for ascertainment
  • Prevalence - Population prevalence as indicated by the user. "-" if not provided
  • Coefficient - Regression coefficient of the model. Can provide insight into the direction of the effect.
  • P - P value of the model fit
  • Num_SNP - Number of SNPs included in the model
  • Empirical-P - Only provided if a permutation is performed. This is the empirical p-value and should account for multiple testing and over-fitting
  • [Name].best - Contains the PRS for each individual at the best-fit PRS. It looks as follows:
  • FID
  • IID
  • In_Regression
  • PRS at best threshold of first set
  • PRS at best threshold of second set, ...
  • [Name].prsice - Contains the PRS model fit across thresholds
  • [Name].log - Contains all the commands used for the analysis and information regarding filtering, field selected, etc.
  • [Name].all.score if --all-score is specified - Contains the PRS for each individual at all thresholds and all sets. It looks as follows:
  • FID
  • IID
  • PRS for first set at first threshold
  • PRS for first set at second threshold, ...
  • [Name]_BARPLOT_[date].png if --bar-levels is specified
  • [Name]_HIGHRES_PLOT_[date].png if --fastscore is not specified
  • [Name]_STRATA_PLOT_[date].png if --quantile [number of quantile] is specified
  • Usually, --quantile 100 is specified with --quant-break
  • [Name]_STRATA_[date].txt- Provides data used for plotting the above plot
